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来源:学大教育     时间:2014-04-15 16:19:46


1. It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c______ myself down.

2. Parents are always c_______ much about their children.

3. True friends always s______ their sadness and happiness with each other.

4. I'm terribly sorry. I didn't do it on p__________.

5. Some animals hibernate under snow, because there is much air in l______ snow.

6. A_______ to the law, t_______ are not allowed to smoke or drink.

7. The old man went t_______ many wars and s_____ a lot from them.

8. After the terrible hurricane, the whole house was destroyed e________.

9. If you have some trouble, you can go to the teacher for a_________.

10. By internet, we can c_________ with people all over the world c_________.

11. By now, he has formed the h______ of doing some reading before going to bed.

12. The r_____ he gave for his c_____ in the exam was simple.


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